Star Wars: Imperial Assault
"Imperial Assault puts you in the midst of the Galactic Civil War between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire after the destruction of the Death Star over Yavin 4 with two separate game experiences. The campaign game pits the limitless troops and resources of the Galactic Empire against a crack team of elite Rebel operatives as they strive to break the Empire’s hold on the galaxy, while the skirmish game invites you and a friend to muster strike teams and battle head-to-head over conflicting objectives."
Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games
Type: Board Game
Playstyle: Cooperative, Competitive
Genre: Sci-Fi
Mechanics: Dice, Cards, optional App-Driven
Assembly Required: No
Pre-painted: No
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How to Get Into the Action
If you have a friend that already has the game, they have have everything you'd need! If you're looking to GM a session or experience , read on!
The campaign book in the main/core box has a list of 30ish missions to weave into a campaign. Which side wins a mission dictates what main mission will follow, but there are also a variety of side missions that add to this. Each hero has their own mission to add to the deck when determining which side quest comes next, and these typically reward players with gear or other equipment. Sometimes you gain allies which you can then later add to your lineup. These can range from your run-of-the-mill smuggler to more notable characters in the Star Wars universe, like Chewie or Boba Fett. While there are a ton of quests available, the campaign limits this to 10 plus a finale. This adds a lot of replayability to the game, as you are less likely to exact same missions as previously.
Below are some affiliate links for things I myself have purchased and tried out. Adventure on!
Start Here
You'll need to get the Core Set as it comes with the rulebooks and other components necessary to play the game. There is a companion app that will run the game, allowing for a cooperative style of play. Only has a few campaigns, but does take the place of the Imperial Player.
Imperial Assault Core Set
Computer and Companion App (optional)
So how expansions work for Imperial Assault, there are boxed additions which usually have 10ish detailed missions to weave a story together with. There are also character packs, which either replace the cardboard tokens or bring new options for players of both sides to field. These come with at least one side mission that can be substituted into a campaign, or options for the game's skirmish mode. I try to get these a set/wave at a time as these should compliment the box expansion you're playing. Check this site for info on wave releases.
All that said, it seems highly recommended by players that the Return to Hoth and Jabba's Palace expansions give you the most bang-per-buck, so I'll list those below. But by all means, if there is a set that speaks to you, add it!
Last, as the game has been out since 2016, while the box expansions should still be easy enough to come by, if you're looking for specific character packs, you may need to check ebay or similar sites to track down out-of-print items. FFG's store may have them available.
This one is optional, but some kind of mat to place the map tiles onto may help prevent them from sliding around during play. There's also a plethora of options on Etsy if you're looking to upgrade from the game's cardboard tokens.
Storage / Transport
Not going to lie, Imperial Assault has a lot of components that need organizing; multiple sets of cards for both the Rebel and Imperial sides, and the minis, tokens, and map tiles. Am still myself working on a proper solution for this one!
Army Building
Missions will dictate some of the units the Imperial player will start out with, but also usually give them the option to add a few of their choice. Allies for both sides can be earned through winning certain missions. So for this game, it's all about figuring out who you can get your team's abilities to synergize well.